Srichaphan真是有夠壯!! (From ESPN)
現今亞洲的網球第一好手應該是Paradorn Srichaphan.
威猛的球風, 壯碩的身材, 幾年前看他打球覺得這傢伙很快就會成為世界第一流好手.
幾年過去了, 他的成績還是載浮載沉, 始終不能有所突破.
我只覺得他的打球方法太過一元化, 最近的表現可說是每下愈況.
我心裏想著他亞洲球王的地位應該很快就要被王宇佐, 盧彥勳所取代了.
這次在Pacific Life Open中他似乎復活了!
連續的過關斬將, 連續擊敗Ginepri, Ferrero, Nalbandian, Nieminen, 真是關關難過關關過, 將與球王Federer爭奪決賽權.
我沒有看到他實際的表現, 無法做什麼評斷.
之前Srichaphan遵循泰國傳統 -- 25歲要到廟裏當一個星期的和尚.
在這段期間他學習了"meditation", 我想就是觀息法的練習.
他提到以前就曾有和尚建議他學習mediation, 將有助於他的比賽.
當時他認為比賽的時候不能太平靜, 太放鬆.
直到他學習了觀息法以後, 他了解了這真的有很大的幫助.
He said he had continued to meditate each night when he returned to the tennis circuit, and the breathing techniques used to focus the mind also helped him on court.
"Seriously, it's really helping my game," Paradorn said. "Not when I'm running and hitting the ball, it's between the point that I have 20 seconds, I control my breathing.
"A lot of time if you don't play well it's because you're getting nervous, your heart is pumping really quick. Meditation is helping me that I can control my breath, I can just relax and be ready for the next point."
Paradorn said meditation had been suggested to him before, but he didn't realize until his spell in the monastery that it could really work.
"I know one monk, he told me, 'Paradorn, you should do the meditation. It's really going to help your game.'
"I said, 'I'm sure it's different (but) you can't be too relaxed on court. That's what I thought," he said. "If I'm too calm, it's not really my game.
"Once I went into the temple, then I really learned. I figured out that what the monk told me is really true. If you can control what you're doing at the moment, then you're not out of control."
如果他們的心理層面能上一層樓, 相信成績會有顯著的提升.
冒著被不以為然的風險, 我一定要嚐試一下.
如果有用, 將會為她們帶來一輩子的效益!