Chris Abani是一位奈及利亞作家,曾因為他的作品內容入獄三次。他訴說人的故事:那些挺身對抗士兵;那些具有憐憫、同情、富有人道的故事。這段演講他提到伊博語"Ubuntu",指的就是沒有別人的存在我們無法展現humanity(人道、仁慈)。
我印象最深的是他強悍的母親在面對士兵時都無所畏懼,卻在陌生人展現關懷、伸出援手時被融化,留下了眼淚。透過這許多真實故事,Chris Abani或許想告訴我們,就是在這些人與人的交流中,人性的光輝面展現了出來。
Libation(奠酒) by Lucille Clifton
I offer to this ground, this gin.
I imagine an old man crying here.
out of the sight of the overseer.
He pushes his tongue through a hole
Where his tooth would be, if he were whole
It aches in that space where his tooth would be
Where his land would be
His house,his wife, his son, his beautiful daughter.
He wipes sorrow from his face
And put his thirsty finger to his thirsty tongue
And tastes the salt
I call a name that could be his
This is for you ,old man.
This gin, this salty earth.